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0) ? window.innerWidth : screen.width; if (width > 768) { isDesktop = true } else { isDesktop = false }" x-bind:src="isDesktop ? desktopVideoURL : mobileVideoURL" title="" class="self-stretch w-full h-full col-start-1 row-start-1 w-full h-full object-cover md:w-full md:h-full md:object-cover" playsinline autoplay="autoplay" loop="true" muted="true" >
‘Droigts’ Art print Limited edition, numbered and hand signed
‘Droigts’ Art print Limited edition, numbered and hand signed
First Tour Ever
Cantona sings Eric – First Tour Ever (signed vinyl)
Cantona sings Eric "I love you so much" (signed 45RPM - exclusive product store)
I'll make my own heaven - 10inch vinyl (not signed)
Cantona sings Eric – First Tour Ever (signed vinyl)
Cantona sings Eric "I love you so much" (signed 45RPM - exclusive product store)